Have some time to wast--- i mean, UTILIZE? Try one of these fun activities:
1. General Epidermal Inspection. How is the skin on your forearm doing? What about your cuticles? Any new moles or ingrown hairs? Remember, don't pick too much. (5 min-1hour depending on amount of exposed skin)
2. Nail Biting. It's not sanitary or attractive, but it is satisfying to peal that top layer of nail off and to nibble away at any inconsistencies. (1-3 min)
3. Hair Removal. Notice any unnaturally long/dark/new hairs...pluck them away. (1-3min)
4. Change Your Altitude. Sit at the tallest table/surface in your area. Check out the new view, fresh air, and notice the effect this has on your social positioning. (20min-1+hours)
5. Draw. A writing utensil is really your greatest weapon against boredom. Drawing on paper, new scrap or otherwise, or on any non-paper surface (including yourself) is a great way to entertain yourself and you'll almost always have something to show for it. (1min-8+hours)
6. Change It Up. Cross your legs...now cross them the other way. see, wasnt that fun? Now sit up straight. Now slouch. Which do you prefer. How do you look/feel? (1-5min)
7. Take a Trip. Remember, you always need* water, coffee, "fresh air", or something from the supply closet. *While these may not be considered needs, they are your basic rights as an office worker. (5-20min)
8. Double Check. Go back to your desk. Look around, you probably forgot something that you'll need later. (2-3min)
9. Rearrange/Organize. Organize your tools. example: Writing Instruments. I suggest keeping your black pens together, maybe subdividing them into ball point and felt tip. Colored felt tips i like to to keep mixed up. Pencils should be seperated always. But think of a system that works for you and change it up as often as you like. (10-20min)
10. Look at the People Around You. There is a wealth of inspiration in both the idiosyncrasies and the commonalities of the people in your line of sight. Watch and learn. Take note. Draw pictures. Enjoy.