Friday, July 4, 2008 day 4...

...aaannd not as productive as i would have liked. I mean, i've been relllaaaxxxiiinnggg, maaannn... and it's totally worth it. I had a massage that was fucking amazing and needed. im basically the most selfish person ever. i know. my family reminds me whenever they get the chance. i wont even get into it. I'm working on my astronaut painting...trying it finish it and phase out the astronaut. Also, im going ot paint over my big square military painting witha fractured landscape. Time, light, and space are my themes this month. Today is fourth of july. i dont feel particularly patriotic. i think the fact that im about to paint over top of a military guy speaks to that. It's really the color that's killing me mostly. It's gross.

Idea: do that house silohette (also learn to spell that word)... but the houses with flickering TV lights in the window as a .gif or animation.
It will be easy. just do it.

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